
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Farmers Shares Their Secrets

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

The Everyday Problems of the Farmers and Their Easy Tips from Ubqari

Nasreen Alam, Abbotabad

In the name of Allah who created cattle, birds and plants etc to facilitate the man so that he can get benefit from it and become thankful to Allah.Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! May Allah almighty reward you with His blessing as you are serving the humanity in this time where the lying, treachery and craft is prevailed everywhere. You are serving them without any discrimination. I find this page for the farmers very useful. Here I would like to share a few tips with my farmer brother.


Treating the Cattle’s Mouth Sour through Their Tail Hairs!

If your cattle has wounds in mouth then apply mustard oil and pour grinded mehndi or rub their tail hairs on the mouth gently will heal their wounds. Insha’Allah

Mostly, farmers and milkmen don’t care with dung which causes various diseases to them. To protect such diseases, apply mustard oil on hands and feet while going to the farm. Applying oil on the hands and feet will let the oil go into the wounds and will prevent to grow the germs which mostly cause brosella fever.


Domestic Hens Won’t Fall Sick Now!

 Often, the domestic hens fall under flu in the winter season. The phlegm in the nose make them to breathe through mouth and not let them feed properly. I have tested Qiste Shiree to them and found it useful. As the hens who were applied this powder did not fall in such diseases.

Mix two pinches of Qiste Shireen powder in the powder and apply to hens through their mouth in the morning and evening. You can also mix a teaspoon in their water and keep in their cage so that they can drink throughout the day. It will protect them from flu or other diseases like Gulghoto etc, Insha Allah. It is my own tested tip.


Are Your Cattle Bleeding?

If the offspring of your cattle are bleeding through urine then mix starch in the water but keep the ratio of starch less in the water. Moreover, blend the starch made extracted from wheat in its drinking water so that it can drink throughout the day. It will stop bleeding in the urine, Insha Allah.

I would like to thanks again Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Damat Barakatahum who gave us courage to share our secrets with the other brothers. We assure you our full support by sharing our further experiences in the future, Insha Allah. May almighty Allah make all of us kind to the humanity. Amen.



Join Hands with Ubqari to Help the Farmers

Dear readers! If you have heard or applied a spiritual or physical tip to treat the cattle or the crops, or if you have planted trees in your home or have a pet then please write us your valuable tips. Please write the name of disease and medicine very clearly so that others can recognize it. A small tip from you can benefit millions and will become an ongoing donation for you. Please don’t be lazy and write us.





Treat Your Burning Wounds

Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! If anybody get burn due to fire or anything else then burn the dry coconut on the fire and then grind it to make powder. Apply this powder on the wounds thrice in a day. It will even remove the stains of burning wounds, Insha’Allah.


Good Seed Will Return Good Harvest

Hey Zia, I got healed my flu, cough and asthma etc. I feel alive and younger.


Once all youth of my family planned to go for hunting. I conveyed the message through my son to elder Hakeem Sb to get ready for hunting for tomorrow. He told that he was in severe flu and cough. I insisted but found him reluctant. Even I sent him messages for four times.

Next day, we did not find him ready when we went to his home to pick him up. But eventually I make him agree to join us and started our travel. We reached at hunting ground after driving for one and half hour. It was a colder month of January and the ground was filled with deep knee-touching mud. One can imagine to what extent the task of hunting was difficult to run through the colder mud. We started the hunting. I came across with him after around half an hour and he told me that he got healed his flu, cough and asthma etc. he was feeling alive and younger. He thanked me in the words that “I planted a good seed and today Allah rewarded me its fruit” he was thanking to Allah while praising me. “I did not like to join you today but this was you who insisted me to come with you and here is the result as I am feeling perfectly well”.

Then we hunted for the whole day. He would talk about this incident later at various occasions. He would say “there should be someone”. He meant that it is blessing from Allah if one finds someone who brings courage in them and keep pushing them to move forward and keep reminding them the good things.


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